2025 Limoges French International and Educational Meeting of Electrical Gokart

The French version is available here

The access map of the RMT Karting track, and the map for the APPART City hotel.

  • Organized by the Limoges Association NAME and ENEDIS Limoges.
  • On the indoor electric go-karts track RMT Karting de Limoges.
  • Date: from Monday, June 2, 2025 at 12:00 AM to Wednesday, June 4, 2025 02:00 PM.

  • Participation Survey for 2025 : https://docs.google.com/forms/.

  • Joined: until Friday February 9, 2025 for a normal rate (see regulation) by contacting
    l'Association NAME de Limoges.
  • The calculations file for the registration fee is here (update from November 21, 2021).
  • Deadline for the project presentation articles: before Friday, April 5, 2025

  • Rules of the meeting Mobelim Challenge your Kart 2021: Version 2 from January 8, 2021.

  • List of 2021 educational tests: Version 1 from November 21, 2021 (French).
  • Registration forms: PDF file or DOC file.
  • Declaration forms for the kart: PDF file or DOC file.
  • Care authorization forms for minors: French PDF file or French DOC file.
  • Educational article model: French PDF file ou French DOC file.

  • Mobelim Challenge your Kart 2025 planning: Version 2 from October 18, 2023.

  • Last update from May 25, 2024 by Thierry LEQUEU thierry.lequeu@gmail.com